Our community is home
to many low-income immigrants who need assistance providing for their
families and becoming productive residents of the United States.
Our Services
Helping Hands Emergency Assistance
Food Pantry - About 75
per month are given food that has been donated by our
Churches, businesses and individuals conduct periodic
food drives to
keep our shelves full. The food pantry is for the use
of people in the
process of qualifying for food stamps, those who are
unemployed or find
themselves in emergency situations.
Children s Clothing - Clothing donations for children up to 12 years of
age are regularly distributed to needy families.
Financial Aid -
Qualified clients are helped financially with rent, food, utility bills
and medical care when funds are available.
Family Services
All Kids Insurance Program - All
Kids is a state
program that offers healthcare coverage to children
through age 18
and to pregnant women. The program can also help pay
premiums for
employer-sponsored or private insurance plans.
Access to Care - The Access to
Care program provides medical care to
people who work and have no
insurance or have a deductible of $500 or
more. The program includes
doctor visits, laboratory tests, x-rays
and prescriptions. Thanks to
this program many people have access to
medical care for a minimal
charge. mcs is a registration
Referrals to doctors & hospitals
- We refer clients to a
doctor who speaks their own language and one
whom they can afford to
pay. Volunteers may provide transportation in
emergency situations.
Public Aid - Assistance is
offered to qualified families who need to
apply for Public Aid. Our
help consists of filling out forms and
providing orientation to the
Vacation Bible School -
Local churches partner with mcs to offer week-long Vacation Bible School
to school-aged children in our community.
Mosaic Reading Program - In
cooperation with the Daily Herald,
children are provided an opportunity
to read about other cultures and
then experience them as well.
Back-to-School Program - Every
Meadows Community Services in cooperation with Willow Creek
distributes backpacks and school supplies to area children.
Easter -
A party is held for the
most needy children in the community. The
children participate in
crafts, enjoy Easter egg hunts, have snacks
and leave with a beautiful
Easter basket. A local Pastor shares the
message of Christ s death and
Thanksgiving - An average of 250
hungry families receive food
baskets each year. Local businesses and
churches donate food. This
service brings happiness to families who
are too poor to have the
tranditional meal on this special day.
Christmas - An average of
hundred children and their parents are invited to a special
program in December that focuses on the miracle of Jesus
Empowerment Programs
English Classes - Students attend 18 different English as Second
Language (ESL) classes each week at mcs. These classes prepare students
for jobs by improving their oral and written communication skills.
Citizenship Classes -
Citizenship classes help people who have legal
residence status apply
for U.S. citizenship and helps them prepare to
take the required
Citizenship test. The program is designed for
students to
learn American Civics and the History of the United
Financial Literacy Classes - A series of classes is
periodically offered that teaches budgeting, wise use of credit and how
to save for the future.
Homemaking Seminars - Homemaking seminars
teach homemaking skills such as sewing and knitting.
Family Seminars
- Periodically seminars are offered on topics such as parenting, anger
management and marriage enrichment.
Legislative Rights Seminars
- mcs
recognizes the need for both employers and immigrant employees
better understand how to work effectively together. In this vein,
offer seminars aimed at better understanding cultural differences
what the law says about Worker s Rights and Immigrant s
Mobile Dental Clinic - The Northwest Community Hospital
Mobile Dental Clinic periodically visits mcs offering free dental exams
and teaching children good dental hygiene.
Immigration Services - We
help people fill out forms and
give them a brief orientation about the
immigration process. Our
immigration department helps with United
States citizenship and legal
permanent residence petitions and forms.
We are one of the only BIA
accredited sites in the Chicago Northwest
suburbs. Nominal fees are
charged for these services.
- Our clients bring
important documents to us to be translated. We
provide this
assistance in person or over the phone to help them solve
a variety
of matters.
Filling Out Forms
- We help those who have educational
or language barriers fill out
applications for birth certificates,
social security forms, job
applications, unemployment statements,
insurance applications and other
Income Tax
- State and Federal income tax returns are prepared for
those who
experience barriers in preparing forms themselves. A small
fee is
Advocacy -
Indivuals receive communication
assistance in situations related to
work, school, rent, healthcare,
etc. Most situations are easily solved
once language or cultural
barriers are addressed.
- Individual and family
counseling is available (by appointment only)
to help clients with
their emotional needs and family crises.
1 Comments All Reviews

Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Hi I was reaching out to see if I can get any financial help. I have two children and I am a single mother I wanted to see if I can apply for Christmas gifts for them for this Christmas.
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We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things
Contact Meadows Community Services Inc
2401 Kirchoff Rd
Rolling Meadows, IL - 60008
Rolling Meadows, IL - 60008
Meadows Community Services Inc is an organization in Rolling Meadows, IL. We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things