- Food Clothing
- Financial assistance
- Case management
- Individual counseling
- Utility assistance
1 Comments All Reviews

Thursday, July 8, 2021
Hello I was just wondering if by any chance you all can help me with my family circumstances. I just started working full-time at my new job before doing some service jobs and my benefits have been cut off so I don’t receive EBT or anything I have no food, my car insurance just got cut off because I didn’t have the payment before I get paid on the 15th, if there’s anything that you all could help me with I would highly appreciate it
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Contact Salvation Army - Milledgeville
Milledgeville, GA - 31061
Salvation Army - Milledgeville is an organization in Milledgeville, GA. We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things