One-time assistance for people who need help paying rent or utility bills.
Some emergency groceries may be available.
Contact Ms. Frankie Bayman for an appointment.
1 Comments All Reviews

Thursday, November 17, 2022
Hello, I am reaching out regarding financial assistance. Although, I’m employed, I’ve recently suffered some financial hardships and as a result I was evicted from my apartment. I was able to locate another apartment before becoming homeless. I had to utilize all the money I had to move and transfer my utilities, which depleted my funds completely. This caused me to be behind on my other responsibilities (e.g., car notes and insurance). I’m trying to play catch up and I don’t want my rent or anything else important to fall behind. I’m a single parent that does not receive government assistance or child support. I am seeking financial assistance on a one time basis so that I can catch up and stay caught up with my bills/expenses.
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Contact Flagg Chapel Baptist Church
Milledgeville, GA - 31061
Flagg Chapel Baptist Church is an organization in Milledgeville, GA. We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things