Suwannee River Economic Council, Dixie

357 SE 22nd Ave, Cross City, FL - 32628
Give Heart


The Dixie County office offers programs for the elderly and economically needy.

Aging programs include

1) Alzheimers patient respite care;

2) personal and homemaker care;

3) case management of care and services for frail elderly;

4) assistance with utility bills, blankets;

5) home delivered and congregate meals;

6) Medicaid Waiver for SSI approved;

7) emergency alert response.

Emergency or self-sufficiency programs for other persons in need programs include:

1)utility payment assistance;

2) case management for families in need;

3) job creation and retention.

Housing programs include

1) weatherization;

3) minor home repairs;

4) local transportation assistance for elderly or disadvantaged..

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We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things
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Contact Suwannee River Economic Council, Dixie

357 SE 22nd Ave
Cross City, FL - 32628

Suwannee River Economic Council, Dixie is an organization in Cross City, FL. We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

Suwannee River Economic Council, Dixie

We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

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